In this modern era, the whole world is connected through internet, in such a situation, you must have heard about many incidents of cyber crime and cyber security, but do you know what is cyber security and this time Why is it important in me? If you want to know about cyber security, then read this article till the end because in this we are going to know the complete information about Cyber ​​Security.

In recent times, cyber security is a very important thing because nowadays the usage of internet and technology has increased a lot and users share their personal data through their many devices, softwares and different networks, which will be secure. There is no guarantee of that. 

Let's understand in detail Cyber ​​Security

What Is Cyber Security ?

Cyber ​​Security refers to security on the Internet. When you use the Internet or are connected to the Internet, many types of threats remain on you because hackers can access your system by violating cyber security in many different ways. And you can use your personal data wrongly, to prevent this danger, Cyber ​​Security means cyber security is used.

The job of cyber security is to provide security to devices, softwares and data and networks connected to the internet network. In Cyber ​​Security your network, devices, softwares and data are protected by secure layers so that your data from the wrong activities on the internet Is kept safe.

Definition Of Cyber Security

Cyber ​​Security It is a protection for Internet connected systems that protects devices, hardwares, softwares and data from cyber crime, in simple words to protect and protect cyber security systems, networks and programs from digital attacks. Is practice.

Types Of Cyber Security

Cyber ​​security is a practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks and data from digital attacks, Cyber ​​security is also known as Information Security / Information Technology Security and Electronic Information Security.

Cyber ​​security consists of different elements to keep the data secure, in cyber security, different layers provide more and more security to the network.

Cyber ​​Security is a very important subject which has the following types.

Network Security

In this, the incoming and outgoing traffic of the network means that the traffic coming from the network is controlled and managed, in which Attacks and Threats coming in the network are prevented, you can also call this security as the first layer of the network.

Application Security

In this, it is practiced to protect software and devices from threats, all the applications which are used in the network, their development and installation phase are taken into consideration. In Application Security, special attention is taken to applicationns during their development and special care is also taken during installation.

Information Security

Information Security In this type of cyber security, the main objective is to keep the data secure and protect it from digital attacks. Whether the data is stored or stored, both are kept safe.

Email Security

Many types of email security devices and softwares are used to keep email secure and to avoid email attacks.

Network Access Control

It is a very secure process for any user while connecting to the network, in which a policy is made to join the network according to the Roles of the users, due to which no other user can connect to the network because the rights to connect to the network here Is confined.

Data Loss Prevention

In this process the data is kept safe and encoded so that data is not stolen or leaked in any way.

Types Of Cyber Attacks

All the cyber attacks that take place in the world are done in different ways, with the changing technology, new types of cyber attacks are also coming out.


Malware attacks are one of the most common types of cyber attacks. Malicious software is called malware. Malware is a dangerous computer software program created by hackers or cyber criminals designed to harass other users and damage their systems.

There are also many types of Malware -

  • Virus
  • Trojans
  • Spy ware
  • Ransomware
  • Adware
  • Botnets

SQL Injection

SQL (Structured Language Query) injection This is a type of cyber attack in which the cyber criminal steals the user's data from the database and controls it.

By finding vulnerabilities in the user's database, cyber criminals poke through some malicious SQL queries and code to the user's contents and steal and control it.


Phishing This is a type of cyber attack in which the cyber criminal sends a fake link to the user via Fake Email or Fake SMS which steals the user's personal details such as login ID and password, credit card / debit card details.

Man-In-The-Middle Attack

This is a type of cyber attack in which one takes communication between two people by tampering with the cyber criminal network and communicating it. We do, which the user does not even have any information about.

Denial-Of-Service Attack

In this cyber attack, cyber criminals prevent the system and network of a user or organization from functioning. Denial-of-service attack In this cyber attack, cyber criminals prevent a computer system from fulfilling legitimate requests by overwhelming the network and servers with traffic. This attack can make the cyber criminal system unusable and any organization or any person Can stop the important functions.


This is a type of cyber attack in which Loopholes are found in the software of a system and they are targeted and in this attack, the software is targeted by cyber criminals and tampering with that software.

Friends, there are many types of cyber attacks too because cyber criminals keep on looking for new ways and techniques and there are many cyber attacks techniques in the world which have not yet been exposed to the world which hardly in the future Let us know.

Why Cyber Security Is Important

Nowadays, a lot of people use the Internet and share their personal data through the Internet, even though this Internet is not completely safe, in this world of Internet, due to a negligence of the user, his personal information and data are endangered.

Nowadays, organizations like government, miltary, corporate, financial and medical also use the Internet and technology very much and the data of all these institutions is very sensitive, due to which they have to keep their data safe by cyber security experts. With the help of cyber security.

All the data on the Internet and systems can be protected and it can also be saved from theft.

Digital data is increasing day by day and as digital data is increasing, so there are increasing problems regarding its security, hence cyber security products and services are needed to keep the data safe.

How To Protect Yourself From Cyber Attack?

Friends, as we know that the use of internet and technology has increased a lot these days, so cases of cyber attacks are also increasing day by day, there are as many good people on the internet as well as bad people who often steal the user's data and Let's think about damaging their systems.

Attackers mostly hunt people who do not have much technical knowledge and knowledge about cyber security.

People who do not take any precautions while using the Internet and easily trust any fake SMS and fake websites or share their personal information with an unknown person, such people often become victims of cyber attack.

To avoid Cyber ​​Attacks, you can follow the cyber safety tips that we are going to tell here.

# 1 Update Software And Operating System

Whatever softwares you use in your system, always update all the softwares on the latest version and also update the OS (Operating System) your system is working on and use the latest version.As you may know that software and operating systems are built with Coding and when they are updated by software companies then new code is added with the old code and new code is added to any software. It is made better than the old code and security vulnerabilities of the software are also removed.

Whenever the latest version of a software arrives, its old version can be hacked by hacked cyber criminals, so keep updating all the softwares and operating systems installed on your system.

# 2 Use Anti virus Software

Always use anti virus software in your system. Anti-virus software prevents viruses from entering your system and also blocks fake unsafe websites and programs. Antivirus also removes the viruses present in your system and also increases the security of your system to a great extent.

# 3 Use Strong Password

Always use strong passwords in login systems, keep passwords that no one can guess easily, always keep your passwords secret and do not tell anyone, when creating passwords, things like your name, date of birth, mobile number Do not use at all because it is easy to crack such passwords. To create a strong password, create a combination of Special Characters, Symbols, Letters, Numbers and change your password after a few days.

# 4 Do Not Open Unknown Email Attachment

Never open an email attachment from an unknown email because it may contain virus and it can also be a conspiracy by cyber criminals to steal your data.

# 5 Do Not Click On Links In Unknown Emails

Internet users oftentimes receive such fake mails, in which it is written that you have got lottery or fake emails come from the name of a bank which gives you money and sometimes fake job emails are also sent in such emails. You are given a link to a website below which can be a Fake website, it may be a virus, so you should not open links to any unknown email.

# 6 Do Not Use Unsecured WIFI Network

Many times free WIFI exists in public places but such WIFI networks can be unsafe, so you can become a victim of man-in-the-middle attack, so never connect your system to unsafe WIFI networks.

Last word What is today's cyber security?

Cyber ​​Security In this article, we learned about cyber security, if you liked this information about Cyber ​​Security, then share it with your friends and if you have any questions related to cyber security, then by commenting to us Must ask.

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